Boston Matthews invented the Caterpillar Take-Off (Puller) - The No.1 Puller In The USA and The World !

Boston Matthews invented the Caterpillar Take-Off and with over 10,000 units in daily operation throughout the world the Boston Model 'C' or "Farris" Puller is classed as the Industry Standard and No.1 Puller in the USA and The World.


Boston Matthews design and manufacture a range of Caterpillar Pullers to exactly match the requirements of a wide range of products, applications and industries.

A range of styles, torque and speeds ensure the best machine exactly matches each individual requirements.

The importance of the Puller should never be under-estimated. The failure to pull accurately and consistently will have an adverse effect on the performance on the entire extrusion line resulting in out of tolerance and poor quality production.

Dedicated Spare Parts Teams fully support all Boston Matthews Pullers regardless of the model and age - keeping you pulling for years and years.

Ask our experts about the best Belt covering for your application - we stock many different specifications to match your exact requirements.

We can also provide belts for non-Boston or Farris Pullers.

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