Reasons to Recycle Your Scrap Plastics

In a perfect world there would be zero scrap from your production facility.

However, even the most efficient operation produces a percentage of scrap material.

And this material has a real value to your business.

Why throw cash in the trash?

The cost of Resin is a large overhead to any plastics business.

This coupled with rising energy and other production costs have made the need to make savings more important than ever.

What can you do with this scrap plastic:

  1. Landfill - no longer a viable option
  2. Burn - no chance !
  3. Sell - you are likely to only get a fraction of what it's worth
  4. 3rd Party Recycler - you have no control over the recycling conditions and therefore have no idea what quality the returned pellets are. Also there is a charge for this service.

The pellet produced using a MUNCHY System is of the highest possible quality = higher % back into production = higher cost savings.

Take the MUNCHY Challenge to see how much you could be saving.

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The Recycling Process

The Recycling Process

Solve Storage Problems

Solve Storage Problems

1st Class Pellets = Greater Savings

Landfill no longer an option

Landfill no longer an option

Take the MUNCHY Challenge to see how much you could be saving.


Direct Feeding Onto The Munchy Screw


Turning scrap plastics into re-useable 1st class pellets


Closed Loop Systems


Eliminated Cross Contamination

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